Character Occurrence in a String in C#


Character Occurrence in a String in C#

In this article, we will see the number of the character occurrence in a string.

private static void CharactersOccurrence()


  Console.Write("Enter the string : ");

    string inputString = Console.ReadLine();

  inputString = inputString.Replace(" ", string.Empty);

  while (inputString.Length > 0) {

    Console.Write(inputString[0] + " : ");

        int count = 0;

    for (int j = 0; j < inputString.Length; j++)


      if (inputString[0] == inputString[j]) {





    inputString = inputString.Replace(inputString[0].ToString(), string.Empty);




Using LINQ Group By method to count character occurrences in C#:

private static void CharactersOccurrence()


  Console.Write("Enter the string : ");

            string inputString = Console.ReadLine();

  Dictionary < char, int > dict = inputString.Replace(" ", string.Empty)

    .GroupBy(c => c)

    .ToDictionary(gr => gr.Key, gr => gr.Count());

  foreach(var item in dict.Keys)


    Console.WriteLine(item + " : " + dict[item]);




Another way

static void Main()
        string input = "hello world";
        Dictionary<char, int> charOccurrences = GetCharacterOccurrences(input);

        Console.WriteLine("Character Occurrences:");
        foreach (var kvp in charOccurrences)
            Console.WriteLine($"'{kvp.Key}': {kvp.Value}");

    static Dictionary<char, int> GetCharacterOccurrences(string str)
        Dictionary<char, int> charOccurrences = new Dictionary<char, int>();

        foreach (char c in str)
            if (charOccurrences.ContainsKey(c))
                charOccurrences[c] = 1;

        return charOccurrences;

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