Showing posts with label Azure Storage Tutorials. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Azure Storage Tutorials. Show all posts

Azure Storage Services / Cloud Storage in Azure | Azure Storage tutorials


In this article we will see about course introduction, and will see what we are going to learn in this course.

Who should Attend this Course?

This course is intended for those who wish to learn about the basics of Microsoft Azure storage.

Course objective

Ø  Introduction to Azure Storage

Ø  Core storage services in Azure & different storage account types

Ø  How to create a storage account in Microsoft Azure

Ø  Blob storage, Azure Files

Ø  Azure Queues & Azure Tables

Ø  Azure Disk


  1. Introductionto Azure Storage
  2. AzureStorage data services
  3. Storage account types in Azure
  4. Demonstration on creating Storage account on azure portal
  5. Introductionto Blob storage
  6. Demonstration on creating Azure Blob Storage Account on Azure portal
  7. Introductionto Azure files storage
  8. Demonstration on creating File Storage Account on Azure portal
  9. Introductionto Azure Queues
  10. Demonstration on creating Azure Queue Storage Account on Azure portal
  11. Introductionto Azure Table storage
  12. Demonstration on creating  Azure Table Storage Account on Azure portal
  13. Introductionto Azure managed disks

You can learn it from below Video

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Demo on creating Microsoft Azure Table storage on azure portal | Microsoft Azure Storage Tutorials | Microsoft Azure Storage Overview

☰ Click Here to Azure Storage Tutorials

In this Article we will see how to create a Microsoft Azure Table Storage on azure portal

Demo on creating Microsoft Azure Queue On Azure portal | Microsoft Azure Storage Tutorials | Microsoft Azure Storage Overview

☰ Click Here to Azure Storage Tutorials

In this Article we will see how to create a Microsoft Azure Queue Storage on azure portal

Demo on creating Microsoft Azure File Storage on azure portal | Microsoft Azure Storage Tutorials | Microsoft Azure Storage Overview

☰ Click Here to Azure Storage Tutorials

In this Article we will see how to create a Microsoft Azure File Storage on azure portal

Demo on creating Microsoft Azure Blob Storage on Azure Portal | Microsoft Azure Storage Tutorials | Microsoft Azure Storage Overview

☰ Click Here to Azure Storage Tutorials

In this Article we will see how to create a Microsoft Azure Blob Storage on Azure Portal