Difference Among Angular 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8

AngularJs and Angular 2

                Angular JS
          Angular 2
1st the version was released in 2010 and its called as Angular 1 or mostly Angular JS
Angular 2 released in 2016
Its MVC based architecture, means we design angular JS as model-view-controller, and we write code on typescript only
It is component-based architecture, means Angular 2 onwards we included component as to make angular more efficient.
It doesn’t support
It support ES6 and typescript
It doesn’t support
It support mobile devices.
Its written in JavaScript
Angular 2 is totally rewritten in typescript
More testable as component-based

Angular 3
Why we don’t have Angular 3?
Angular developed in a MonoRepo it means a single repo for everything. @angular/core, @angular/compiler, @angular/router etc are in the same repo and may have their own versions.
 Now the problem is with the @angular/router which is already in a 3.X version. And that’s
 Because of some active and huge developments on the router section, like route-preload.
Now releasing Angular as version 3, with its route on version 4 will create confusion
To avoid this confusion they decided to skip the version 3 and release with version 4.0.0, so that every major dependency in the MonoRepo are on the right track.
Angular 2 and Angular 4
v  Angular 4 released in 2017.
v  Changes in Core library
v  Compare to Angular2 there is a lot of performance changes in angular4
                Angular 2
          Angular 4
It doesn’t support all features
all feature of typescript 2.1 & 2.2 are supported in Angular 4 application
Animation features are included in Angular core only
Animation features are separated from @angular/core to @angular/animation
Here else block was not implemented so we have to write two *ngIf
Else block in *ngIf introduced

Angular 4 and Angular 5
v  Angular 5 released in 1st November 2017.
v  Angular 5 released with lot of new features and with performance and bug fixes from angular 4
                Angular 4
          Angular 5
Build Optimizer doesn’t exist here
Build optimizer: It helps to removed unnecessary code from your application
Compiler slower than angular 5
Compiler Improvements: This improved the support of incremental compilation of an application.
Preserve White space doesn’t exist here
Preserve White space: Its introduce in angular 5 to remove unnecessary new lines, tabs and white spaces
// in component decorator you can now add:
“preserveWhitespaces: false”
// or in tsconfig.json:
“angularCompilerOptions”: { “preserveWhitespaces”: false}`

v  Few new Router Life-cycle Events being added in Angular 5: In Angular 5 few new life cycle events being added to the router and those are:
v  ActivationStart, ActivationEnd, ChildActivationStart, ChildActivationEnd, GuardsCheckStart, GuardsCheckEnd, ResolveStart and ResolveEnd.

                Angular 4
          Angular 5
Here we use HttpClient: which we import from @angular/HTTP library
HttpClientModule is introduced which comes under @angular/common/http package.
It doesn’t support
Angular 5 supports TypeScript 2.3 version.

Angular 5 and Angular 6
v  Angular 6 release in April 2018.
v  No major changes.
v  Dependency on RxJS 6.
v  Registering provider: To register new service/provider, we import Service into module and then inject in provider array.
v  CLI Changes: Two new commands have been introduced
— ng update <package>
à to update the package
v  — ng add à to add new library like  ng add @angular/material 
                Angular 5
          Angular 6
Here we use <template> tag for keeping if and else block
Remove support for <template> tag and replace with“<ng-template>”
Here we use .angular-cli.json
It uses angular.json instead of .angular-cli.json
It support single project.
It supports multiple project which we can add-in angular.json

Angular 7
v  Angular 7 release in October 2018.
v  This is a major release and expanding to the entire platform including-
— Core framework,
— Angular Material,
v  Angular 7 added UrlSegment[] to CanLoad interface and DoBootstrap interface.
v  It added a  Compatibility Compiler (ngcc) compiler.
v  Introduce a new Pipe called — KeyValuePipe
v  Angular 7 now supporting to TypeScript 2.9.
v  Added a new router features — warn if navigation triggered outside Angular zone
v  Added new mapping for ngfactory and ngsummary files to their module names in AOT summary resolver.

Angular 8
Angular 8 released in march 2019.
Being smaller, faster and easier to use and it will be making Angular developer's life easier.
Added Support for TypeScript 3.2
Added a Navigation Type Available during Navigation in the Router
Added pathParamsOrQueryParamsChange mode for runGuardsAndResolvers in the Router
Allow the passing state to routerLink Directives in the Router
Allow the passing state to NavigationExtras in the Router
Restore the whole object when navigating back to a page managed by Angular Router
Added support for SASS

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